International Women's Day on 106.7 The Bull

TUNE IN on March 8 to 106.7 The Bull as we recognize women from the Country music industry. Featuring Ingrid Andress, Carly Pearce, Lainey Wilson, Lauren Alaina and more!

Also, check out the Q&A from 106.7 The Bull female talent:


What advice do you have for women working in a male-dominated field/industry? Confidence is always key!!! Believe in yourself and your ideas...they are just as important as anyone else's speak up! Also, is there a woman (above you) in your office/company that you admire? Schedule a meeting with her! Maybe she can be a mentor of sorts for you. 

How do you define success? Success for me in radio is showing up (as I am) each day, using any chance I get for people to not feel alone (whether laughing, crying or somewhere in-between), and taking this platform we have to give back to others! Success for me at home is dance parties with my kids, occasional meals around the table, and putting my family first as much as possible. However, the reality of being a successful working mom is that we can't juggle it all. It's impossible. Shonda Rhimes summed this up perfectly when she was asked how she does it all:

"The answer is this: I don’t. Whenever you see me somewhere succeeding in one area of my life, that almost certainly means I am failing in another area of my life.

If I am killing it on a Scandal script for work, I am probably missing bath and story time at home. If I am at home sewing my kids’ Halloween costumes, I’m probably blowing off a rewrite I was supposed to turn in. If I am accepting a prestigious award, I am missing my baby’s first swim lesson. If I am at my daughter’s debut in her school musical, I am missing Sandra Oh’s last scene ever being filmed at Grey’s Anatomy. If I am succeeding at one, I am inevitably failing at the other. That is the tradeoff. That is the Faustian bargain one makes with the devil that comes with being a powerful working woman who is also a powerful mother. You never feel a hundred percent OK; you never get your sea legs; you are always a little nauseous. Something is always lost.

Something is always missing…. anyone who tells you they are doing it all perfectly is a liar.”

What's the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? The absolute first thing that I do when I get up is make my bed! I learned this from my older sister. It's the best way to start your day. Gives me a small sense of pride, and starts the domino effect of checking off other tasks for the day. 

Do you have a favorite book written by a female author? I have several, but I'll mention a book that I just finished and loved!! It's a memoir called 'Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: A Therapist, Her Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed' by Lori Gottlieb. She shares her life a therapist and as someone receiving therapy. I walked away from that read having more compassion for what people are going through and also was reminded how powerful talking through stuff is for healing. 



Why is it important to have a national day to celebrate women? Celebrating women's achievements can be done by both women and men to champion the impact women have in the world. We celebrate our accomplishments, empower one another, raise awareness and act for equality.

Name a woman who regularly inspires you and tell us why: My sister Stephanie has overcome many challenges in her life, beginning by having her first child at an early age She made a conscious effort to be a successful mother, role model and provider. She's an executive of a billion-dollar company, wife, mom to 4 kids and "Glam-ma" to 4 beautiful children. She has taught me that positivity can come from any challenge in life and how to handle the negative with grace.

What legacy do you hope to leave? I hope people remember me as a loving mom, wife, friend and someone who worked hard to build a better community by donating time to charities and those in need. One of my favorite quotes comes from Maya Angelou

"I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how 'you' made them feel" — Maya Angelou

How do you define success? Happiness. I have a drive to do more with my career, but true success is being happy along the way, taking pride in each and every day about the small things that can have a big impact in your life and the lives of others.  

What do you think led you to success? Hard work and tenacity. I've been working since I was 12 years old,. My parents taught me the importance of work ethic and the value of a dollar. Networking and getting involved in the community are also so very important. Meeting other people that can mentor you along the way and then pay it forward to others that are coming up in your industry.

What's the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? Say a quick prayer of thankfulness and gratitude for another day. I set my intentions on having a positive day and then I run to make coffee 🙂

What advice do you have for work/life balance? My husband and both of my boys know that my work brings me joy and that my career is important to me. I've been lucky to have my boys get involved in some of my work events and learn the importance of work. They have helped me at events, setting up equipment for remotes and helping at charity events.

It's also important to take time to focus on self and family. Putting the phone and laptop away to focus on what's important to them and support their events or passions. Never underestimate the value of sitting at a dinner table and talking about everyone's day.

There is always tomorrow. I don't have to get everything done in one day. It's okay to let dishes stay in the sink to spend some time enjoying life.

Do you feel it's a sign of weakness to ask for help? Absolutely NOT. Everyone needs help and you can always learn something from that person.

Is there a decision that haunts you in life, one that you wish you could change? I had the opportunity to host a weekly E! segment for Comcast, which I wish I would have taken. I was hosting a morning show and hour-long TV show at the time, I thought I couldn't balance it all. Looking back, it would have been an amazing opportunity and I should have found a way to make it work.

Share one piece of advice you would give to a young woman trying to excel in this business? Work hard, take the opportunities, take risks and jobs...not just for the money, but for the experience. You never stop learning. I've been in this business for almost 30 years, and I'm still asking questions and have a mentor. Finally, treat yourself kindly. If you make a mistake, forgive yourself like you would forgive someone else. 

Is there a song that inspires you to be or do better in life? Stronger by Kelly Clarkson and What A Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong



Why is it important to have a national day to celebrate women? I think for a long time women haven’t been highlighted, especially when they contribute so much. To have an international women’s day, and to highlight women, shows that they are valued and appreciated.

What’s the greatest challenge you’ve overcome as a woman in the radio industry? Speaking up for myself. I had to teach myself that what I deserved mattered, and my opinions matter. I’m an extremely anxious person, so teaching myself to voice my opinion and fight for what I thought mattered, took a lot of practice. I feel a lot stronger and more confident today than I did when I started in the radio industry.

What advice do you have for women working in a male-dominated field/ industry?  You don’t have to be a part of the boy’s club. You don’t have to change your personality for any show or any person. Just be YOU and be confident that what you bring to the table is more than enough. Because if it’s not, you’re not in the right place anyways.

How do you define success? I used to define success as being in a large radio market and making the most money I could. But now, success to me is working in a place that I’m valued, loving where I work, surrounding myself with healthy friends and family, and leading a more balanced life. I truly think the pandemic has shown me this more than ever.

What do you think led you to success? This one’s hard! I think when it comes to the radio industry, just working extremely hard and having the passion to keep going. This industry can be so cut-throat and so exhausting at times. But if you have the passion, and you love the music, the drive to keep going and keep learning will always be there. Also be AUTHENTIC. Always always always.

What's the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? Drink coffee and check tik tok haha sorry! It de-stresses me what can I say!

Share one piece of advice you would give to a young woman trying to excel in this business? Be authentic, and push yourself to learn new things, no matter how uncomfortable.

How can women lift one another, instead of competing? I think we can all get better at telling other women when they are doing a great job. Even telling another woman in radio, “hey you sounded GREAT on the air today,” or “Your social media looks incredible,” can make a huge difference. I think we all get so busy that we forget to show appreciation and showing appreciation can make all the difference.

Do you feel it's a sign of weakness to ask for help? ABSOLUTELY NOT. If you don’t know how to do or work something, ASK. And 9/10 times someone is thrilled to show you the knowledge they know.

What would you tell your younger self? Try to live in the moment more, and not stress about what is coming next. I ruined so many amazing moments because I was just so anxious about the future. Also have more trust in your talents. You ARE talented and you do deserve to be where you are.

What are you most afraid of professionally? I honestly think this would be not being able to work in the music industry. So many things are uncertain right now, and the thought of not having that connection to the music would break my heart. BUT one day at a time!

Do you have a favorite book written by a female author? YESSS oh my gosh yes. Untamed by Glennon Doyle. READ IT. Like today.

What’s one song you could listen to on repeat? I hate when people say “anything by so and so” buttttt, anything by Eric Church haha. He started my whole love for country music.



Why is it important to have a national day to celebrate women? Honestly, women are superheroes. Every day should be International Women's Day.

What legacy do you hope to leave? I want people to remember my name and all the good I left on this earth. 

How do you define success? Being fulfilled in my work. Not a paycheck.. not a title.. but, something I enjoy doing and am passionate about.

What's the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? COFFEE

Share one piece of advice you would give to a young woman trying to excel in this business? Don't be afraid to speak up. A lot of people will struggle in silence and then complain to close friends. If you want something, ask for it. If you feel unfairly treated, say something.

What would you tell your younger self? To do exactly what you're doing.. NEVER give up.

Do you have a favorite Female singer? Kari Jobe is one of my favorites. Her voice is so pure.. her music is ENCOURAGING.. her talent is undeniable and just one you can't help but lean into and want more of.

Is there a song that inspires you to be or do better in life? Jessie J "Who You Are" -- this is one of those songs I've always loved to keep in a lot of my playlists.. it says 'Don't lose who you are, in the blur of the stars. Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing.. it's okay not to be okay' and it's just always such a great reminder.



(Director of Sponsorship)

Why is it important to have a national day to celebrate women? Everyone deserves to be celebrated but sadly women are still often treated as inferior to men so a day to celebrate and empower women is good for the soul and a good reminder for the next generation.

Name a woman who regularly inspires you and tell us why. My mom. She was diagnosed with a degenerative brain disease around a decade ago. It is slowly taking her motor skills but she still has a positive attitude, a great smile and a laugh that can make anyone happy.

What’s the greatest challenge you’ve overcome as a woman in the radio industry? Early in my career I had a manger that did not respect me or the title I had, simply because I am a woman. None of my ideas were ever good enough and if anything went wrong it was always my fault, even when it wasn’t. I stayed positive and continued to work hard. Guess who’s still here, and who’s not? 🙂

What advice do you have for women working in a male-dominated field/ industry? Let your work ethic and quality of work show the type of employee you are, not your gender.

What legacy do you hope to leave? My hope is that my legacy would be full of hard work, loyalty, a positive attitude and the ability to laugh at almost anything, even myself.

What advice do you have for work/life balance? Schedule time and put hard stops to work. It will always be there waiting for you after you put the kids to bed. ;-)

It's nice to know we are not alone, what woman has inspired you and why? Jess Farias. A strong female leader in the radio industry. One of my favorite things about her is that she has the perfect balance of being a strong and intelligent leader yet also a compassionate, motherly figure. And no one thinks less of her even though she shows a softer side. That is a hard balance to master as a woman on leadership.

Is there a man in your life that lifts you up and helps inspire you? A male mentor? I have a few of them but I would say my manager – Ryan Clune, has had the most impact on me. He is continually pushing me to break out of my comfort zone and to strive to be better and to grow. He encourages me to learn, think differently and embrace change. Easier said than done. ;-) But he also recognizes my strengths and encourages me to acknowledge them, believe in them and rely on them. He also somehow always knows what I need to hear to get out of my own head and out of my own way. I am an over thinker and he has no problem telling me to stop. Ha! I took a slight turn in my career path a few years back, I would literally never have taken the chance on that change if it weren’t for him. I am happier than I ever thought I would be in my new role and see so much opportunity for me to continue to grow and evolve for the rest of my career. I hope I make him proud not just for my own fulfillment but also in himself to see what a great manager, leader, mentor and friend he is not only to me but so many others as well.

Is there a song that inspires you to be or do better in life? Kelly Clarkson “Stronger”



(Digital Manager)

Why is it important to have a national day to celebrate women? Women wear so many hats and should be recognized for all we do. We should celebrate every day.

Name a woman who regularly inspires you and tell us why. My mom. She is one of the strongest women out there. She has taught me so much and huge part of who I am today.

How do you define success? Joy and happiness in both my personal and professional life.

The struggle is real for all. What do you do to celebrate yourself in life or to relax and center yourself? My friends and family. Keeping in touch with my girlfriends and family members on a daily basis and occasional brunches/dinners.

When did you realize your aspirations? At a very young age. Growing up, my parents, aunts and uncles all had jobs that were NOT fun, enjoyable or exciting, but it paid the bills. Watching them all work so hard just to keep food on the table, made me work even harder at school and finding a career I love.

Have you achieved your career goals in life? What else is on the list? Yes and no. I’ve worked so hard for this one but I’m sure there’s out there…just don’t know what it is yet!



(The Voice Between the Music)

Why is it important to have a national day to celebrate women? Since the Stone Ages, women have prejudicially been placed in the "You can't" club. Anyone who has unwillingly been  a member of that sort of group deserves a day! 

Name a woman who regularly inspires you and tell us why. The president of Atlas Talent, who represents me- Lisa Marber -Rich. She's eloquent yet down to earth, assertive yet calm, and at the top, but so accessible that she's directly at your level. She's one of the most well rounded, kind , strong women I know. 

What’s the greatest challenge you’ve overcome as a woman in the radio industry? Being labeled an "Accent" voice. That means that there's a man who does the majority of the work, with a female "Accent". I was NOT having that, and on most of my radio stations, Im the only voice, in a 50/50 partnership with a man, or I have a male accent. ;;))

What advice do you have for women working in a male-dominated field/ industry? Be yourself. Before people would say "Don't show emotion because its girly". Screw that. Acting like a woman is powerful as all hell.

What legacy do you hope to leave? That always staying true to who you are leads to the greatest happiness.

What is your biggest struggle and biggest success as a woman in business? My biggest struggle is dealing with ignorant people who are stuck in the 90s and still believe there should be a male lead and a female accent. Its so utterly and completely ridiculous and offensive. My biggest success has been crushing the very notion of which I just spoke, and being the sole voice of so many radio stations- through hard work and passion for my job.

How do you define success?  Success is when you pour yourself a glass of whiskey, pet your cat, exhale, and feel damn proud of yourself. Also being on any large  boat. That's successful AF.

What do you think led you to success? Necessity. I grew up in less than ideal circumstances and hated every minute of it. For me, there was no other option.

How do you feel you have made a positive impact on other women in your business or community? By lifting them up! Most female VOs are friends, not enemies. If I hear someone amazing, I will recommend her and try to help get her work!

If you were to pick 3 characteristics about yourself that have helped you in life as a woman, what would they be? Fearlessness, Rebelliousness & Passion

What's the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? Scratch each of my cats entire heads.I have 2, so it takes a little while. Sorry, I know you wanted a "I run 8 miles and drink 8 egg whites". But no. 

What advice do you have for work/life balance? Find it! Allot time for yourself and do not ever diverge from this. If you do, you'll burn out, fast.

The struggle is real for all.  What do you do to celebrate yourself in life or to relax and center yourself? I have a cooking show @seerachelcook . I celebrate my cooking skills! 

What advice would you give to women who deal with negativity in the workplace?  Most positive and effective ways to handle? Be as positive as possible. Works every time

What do you plan on doing to celebrate International Women's Day this year? Because of my job, I get to say "Happy international women's day" to millions of people! That's freaking cool!

Do you have a favorite female songwriter?  Female singer? Female actress? I think Miranda Lambert is a bad ass. I also love The Chicks and am so glad they're being accepted again. 

What’s one song you could listen to on repeat? Guns N Roses- Sweet Child O Mine. I know, I know- it isn't country. But who can argue with Axl?


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